Federal Register Notices

For ease of reference, Federal Register Notices are ordered below by state then county.
Abbreviations used: Notice of Inventory Completion (NIC) for repatriation of ancestral remains and funerary objects, and Notice of Intended Repatriation (NIR) are for repatriation of unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony. More information about Federal Register Notice types and requirements can be found on 
the National NAGPRA website

Pending Notices

The following Federal Register Notices have been submitted to National NAGPRA and are pending review and publication in the Federal Register. 

Notice Type
California Sacramento

112 individuals and 3124 lots of associated funerary objects from: CA-SAC-16, CA-SAC-26, CA-SAC-28, CA-SAC-29, CA-SAC-31, CA-SAC-32, CA-SAC-33, CA-SAC-37, CA-SAC-99, CA-SAC-127, CA-SAC-160, CA-SAC-192 (corresponding NAHC Inventory & Summary IDs: 666, 676, 679, 683, 724, 725, 726, 727, 5184, 5297, 5298, 5299)   

California Sacramento

32 unassociated funerary objects from CA-SAC-166, CA-SAC-172,  Del Paso Mound, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Natomas Mound, Rancho Del Paso with Miwok affiliation (corresponding NAHC Summary IDs: 5221, 5219, 5282, 5280, 5281, 5283, 5303)

California Lake

9 sacred objects /objects of cultural patrimony with Pomo affiliation (part of NAHC Summary IDs 2061, 2372, 2379, and 2059)


Active Notices

The following Federal Register Notices have been posted on the Federal Register and are pending completion of the 30-day notice review period,  and/or transfer of control.

Notice Publication Date
Notice FR. Doc. Number
Notice Type
Alaska North Slope Borough

Birnirk site

11/07/2002 02-17417 NIC
California Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz

All sites with ancestors under UCB control

Only sites with ancestors were eligible to be published in this Notice type.
National NAGPRA abbreviated the "NL" unknown location sites in this note to reduce the length of the published notice.

10/31/2023 2023-23975 NIC
California Mendocino

CA-Men-1, CA-Men-120, CA-Men-147, CA-Men-164, CA-Men-183, CA-Men-187, CA-Men-72, CA-Men-93, CA-Men-NL-4, CA-Men-NL-5, CA-Men-NL-8

03/25/2004 04-6650 NIC
California Siskiyou

NIC: CA-Sis-2, 108, 223, 239

[Fish and Wildlife Control/Notice]
2024-03573 NIC
California Siskiyou

NIR: CA-Sis-2, 108, 223, 239

[Fish and Wildlife Control/Notice]
2024-15199 NIR

Completed Notices

The following Federal Register Notices have been repatriated to the affiliated tribe or transferred to the controlling agency.

Notice Publication Date
Notice FR. Doc. Number
Notice Type   
Alaska Valdez-Cordova Aleutian Islands (NutchukId), Aleut' 3/26/2001 01-7436 NIC
Alaska Wrangell Borough Wrangell Borough 06/01/2005 05-10807 NIR
Arizona Apache County Cornfields District 08/21/2003 03-21390 NIC
Arizona Navajo Hopi Country 9/12/2002 02-23134 NIC
California Amador County, Calveras County CA-Ama-3
11/25/2008 E8-28006 NIC
California Butte County
Tehama County
5/20/2002 02-12561 NIC
California Colusa County CA-Col-1, CA-Col-2 7/12/2005 05-13594 NIC
California Fresno County CA-Fre-27 (Joint Notice: U.S. Department of Defense, Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Sacramento, CA and Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 07/07/2009 E9-16019 NIC
California Fresno County CA-Fre-27 6/1/2005 05-247 NIC
California Glenn County CA-GLE-1, CA-GLE-2, CA-GLE-5, CA-GLE-6, CA-GLE-7, CA-GLE-9, CA-GLE-10, and CA-GLE-11 05/13/2024 2024-17975 NIC
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-NL-12 6/5/2001 01-14071 NIC
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-NL-2, CA-Hum-NL-4, CA-Hum-NL-9 1/11/2002 02-735 NIC
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-112, CA-Hum-33, CA-Hum-67 10/12/2004 04-22826 NIC
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-112, CA-Hum-23, CA-Hum-33, CA-Hum-37, CA-Hum-68 12/4/2020 2020-26760 NIC
California Humboldt County Bear River Tribe sacred object obtained from Dr. and Mrs. J.O. Nomland who had received it from its owner, Norma Coonskin, a Bear River elder. 05/13/2011 2011-11868 NIR
California Humboldt County Cultural items removed from Korbel, Humboldt County 10/03/2016 2016-23805 NIR
California Humboldt County Cultural item obtained from a trader in Klamath River area of Humboldt County 06/24/2014 2014-14746 NIR
California Humboldt County Cultural item obtained from the original owner 10/16/2020 2020-22920 NIR
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-112 8/25/2021 2021-18266 NIC
California Humboldt County CA-Hum-NL-3, CA-Hum-NL-7 12/22/2005 E5-7680 NIC
California Inyo County CA-Iny-372 9/11/2002 02-23018 NIC
California Kern County CA-Ker-37, CA-Ker-39, CA-Ker-40, CA-Ker-50, CA-Ker-53, CA-Ker-74 7/18/2003 03-18208 NIC
California Kings County CA-Kin-1, CA-Kin-10, CA-Kin-12, CA-Kin-19, CA-Kin-4, CA-Kin-7, CA-Kin-8, CA-Kin-9 4/24/2019 2019-08233 NIC
California Lake County CA-Lak-203 5/20/2002 02-12560 NIC
California Lake County Sulphur Bank Round House 04/08/2022 2022-07603 NIR
California Marin County Shellmound 10/16/2020 2020-22919 NIC
California Marin County CA-Mrn-100, CA-Mrn-102, CA-Mrn-104, CA-Mrn-11, CA-Mrn-111, CA-Mrn-114, CA-Mrn-115, CA-Mrn-117, CA-Mrn-138, CA-Mrn-140, CA-Mrn-141, CA-Mrn-142, CA-Mrn-144, CA-Mrn-160, CA-Mrn-162, CA-Mrn-170, CA-Mrn-173, CA-Mrn-202, CA-Mrn-207, CA-Mrn-210, CA-Mrn-226, CA-Mrn-230, CA-Mrn-235, CA-Mrn-237, CA-Mrn-238, CA-Mrn-239, CA-Mrn-254, CA-Mrn-260, CA-Mrn-269, CA-Mrn-273, CA-Mrn-274, CA-Mrn-277, CA-Mrn-278, CA-Mrn-283, CA-Mrn-287, CA-Mrn-289, CA-Mrn-290, CA-Mrn-303, CA-Mrn-340, CA-Mrn-344, CA-Mrn-346, CA-Mrn-354, CA-Mrn-355, CA-Mrn-365, CA-Mrn-366, CA-Mrn-368, CA-Mrn-397, CA-Mrn-59, CA-Mrn-8, CA-Mrn-91, as well as 24 unidentified sites in Marin County 07/21/2022 2022-15551 NIR
California Marin County CA-Mrn-10, CA-Mrn-123, CA-Mrn-139, CA-Mrn-163, CA-Mrn-164, CA-Mrn-165, CA-Mrn-168, CA-Mrn-17, CA-Mrn-201, CA-Mrn-209, CA-Mrn-232, CA-Mrn-242, CA-Mrn-26, CA-Mrn-266, CA-Mrn-271, CA-Mrn-275, CA-Mrn-280, CA-Mrn-3, CA-Mrn-301, CA-Mrn-302, CA-Mrn-307, CA-Mrn-315, CA-Mrn-34, CA-Mrn-342, CA-Mrn-345, CA-Mrn-35, CA-Mrn-353, CA-Mrn-39, CA-Mrn-65, CA-Mrn-7, CA-Mrn-76, CA-Mrn-92, as well as 14 unidentified sites in Marin County 07/21/2022 2022-15552 NIC
California  Marin County CA-Mrn-78, CA-Mrn-80, CA-Mrn-284, Angel Island unknown location

09/12/2022 2022-19619 NIC
California Mendocino County CA-Men-500, CA-Men-NL-10 3/25/2004 04-6649 NIC
California Modoc County CA-Mod-NL-1, CA-Mod-NL-3, CA-Mod-NL-5, CA-Mod-NL-6 11/19/2020 2020-25522 NIC
California Napa County CA-Nap-16, CA-Nap-39 7/12/2005 05-13594 NIC
California Placer County (western) CA-Pla-NL-1, CA-Pla-NL-2  09/28/2023 2023-21249  NIC
California Placer County (western) CA-CA-Pla-14, CA-Pla-17, CA-Pla-39, CA-Pla-4, and CA-Pla-414, and unknown locations in that county 09/19/2023 2023-20191 NIR
California Riverside County CA-Riv-9 10/12/2004 04-22838 NIC
California Sacramento County CA-Sac-16 9/1/2011 2011-22426 NIC
California Sacramento County CA-Sac-42 9/20/2024 2024-21531 NIC
California Sacramento County CA-Sac-157 06/08/2023 2023-12284  NIR
California Sacramento County CA-Sac-159 08/03/2023 2023-16484   NIR
California San Diego CA-Sdi-NL-2 6/5/2001 01-14074 NIC
California San Diego CA-SDI-NL-1 2/2/2005 05-1955 NIC
California San Diego Valley Center 12/17/2021 2021-27359 NIR
California San Diego Vallecitos 08/9/1995 95-19606  NIR
California San Joaquin CA-Sjo-154 11/9/2016 2016-26981 NIC
California Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara:
CA-SBa-1, CA-SBa-43 , CA-SBa-46 , CA-SBa-543, CA-SBa-7, CA-SBa-73, CA-SBa-8 , CA-SBa-89 , CA-SBa-NL-1, CA-SBa-NL-3 (Changed to CA-Sba-1, CA-SBa-NL-6, CA-SBa-NL-7,

Santa Cruz Island:
CA-SCrI-100, CA-SCrI-103, CA-SCrI-104, CA-SCrI-131, CA-SCrI-138, CA-SCrI-147, CA-SCrI-154, CA-SCrI-159, CA-SCrI-162, CA-SCrI-3, CA-SCrI-83, CA-SCrI-NL-1

San Miguel Island:
CA-SMI-NL-1 (unknown location on San Miguel Island)

Santa Rosa Island sites:
CA-SRI-147, CA-SRI-156, CA-SRI-24, CA-SRI-31, CA-SRI-34, CA-SRI-35, CA-SRI-40, CA-SRI-50, CA-SRI-6, CA-SRI-60, CA-SRI-76 , CA-SRI-78, CA-SRI-NL-1, CA-SRI-NL-10 (unknown location on Santa Rosa Island), CA-SRI-NL-3 (unknown location on Santa Rosa Island), CA-SRI-NL-4 (unknown location on Santa Rosa Island), CA-SRI-NL-8 (unknown location on Santa Rosa Island)

San Luis Obispo:

8/13/2008 E8-18680 NIC
California Shasta County CA-Sha-52 9/14/2004 04-20647 NIC
California Shasta County
Trinity County
CA-Sha-47, CA-Tri-58 11/3/2003 03-27523 NIC
California Shasta County CA-Sha-169 03/21/2023 2023–05734 NIC
California Siskiyou County CA-Sis-262 08/29/2008 E8-20092 NIC
California Siskiyou County CA-Sis-244 11/19/2020 2020-25522 NIC
California Siskiyou County U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): CA-Sis-2, CA-Sis-108, CA-Sis-223, CA-Sis-239

02/22/2024 2024-03573 NIC
California Sonoma County CA-Son-5 10/14/2022 2022-22337 NIC
California Solano County CA-Sol-11 09/19/2023 2023-20189 NIC
California Solano County CA-Sol-13 7/12/2005 05-13594 NIC
California Sutter County CA-Sut-11, CA-Sut-20, CA-Sut-NL-1 09/28/2023 2023-21249 NIC
California Sutter County CA-CA-Sut-10, CA-Sut-16, CA-Sut-5— and six unknown locations in that county 09/19/2023 2023-20191  NIR
California Tehama County CA-Teh-1, CA-Teh-193 [Forest Service Notice: Lassen National Forest] 12/22/2004 04-28006 NIC
California Tehama County CA-Teh-58 8/29/2008 E8-20095 NIC
California Temecula County Temecula - Objects of Cultural Patrimony 02/09/2024 2024-02556 NIR
California Tulare County CA-Tul-145 (Joint Notice: U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Sacramento, CA; U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, Three Rivers, CA; and Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA) 06/18/2009 E9-14296 NIC
California Tulare County CA-Tul-24 1/6/2005 05-10810 NIC
California Ventura County CA-SNI-NL-3, CA-SNI-NL-4 4/24/2019 2019-08232 NIC
California Yuba County CA-Yub-NL-1,CA-Yub-NL-5 09/28/2023 2023-21249 NIC
California Yuba County CA-CA-Yub-10, CA-Yub-11, CA-Yub-12, CA-Yub-8, CA-Yub-9, and six unknown locations in that county. 09/19/2023 2023-20191 NIR
California Yuma County locality east of Somerton 9/12/2002 02-23136 NIC
Hawaii Big Island, Hawaii Big Island 10/16/2020 2020-22918 NIC
Hawaii Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian Islands 12/5/2023 2023-26617 NIR
Nebraska unknown location unknown location 06/08/2021 2021-11946 NIR
Nevada Clark County, Nevada NV-Clark Co. 7/23/2003 03-18703 NIC
Nevada Curchill, Nevada NV-Ch-86 7/9/2003 03-17273 NIC
Nevada Douglas County NV-Do-12 11/3/2003 03-27524 NIC
Nevada Lyon County NV-Ly-3 12/30/2008 E8-30890 NIC
New Jersey Mercer County Major Woodward's Farm and Squire Wiley's Farm 06/082021 2021-11945 NIC
New Jersey Mercer County Abbott Farm 06/08/2021 2021-11946 NIR
New Mexico Arriba County Santa Clara Pueblo 06/08/2021 2021-11946 NIR
New Mexico Pueblo of Cochiti Pueblo of Cochiti, New Mexico (Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, and U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, DC) 08/20/2003 03-21341 NIC
New York Suffolk County Shelter Island 11/23/2022 2022-25576 NIC
North Dakota North Dakota Mandon 6/5/2001 01-14070 NIC
Oklahoma N/A Sacred Object/Object of Cultural Patrimony 09/13/2024 2024-20875 NIR
Oklahoma N/A Object of Cultural Patrimony 09/13/2024 2024-20866 NIR
Oregon Curry county Chetco 07/09/2002 02-17084 NIC
Oregon Klamath County Unknown location Klamath L. Oregon 11/5/2001 01-27704 NIC
Oregon Morrow County 2 unknown locations designated OR-Morrow-NL–1 and OR-Morrow-NL–2 03/06/2024 2024-04666 NIC
Oregon Unknown - Klamath, Oregon OR-Klamath-NL-2 (N3338) 11/19/2020 2020-25522 NIC
Washington Abbeville Puget Sound 4/30/2009 E9-9984 NIC
Washington Benton 45BN157 (US Department of Energy and UC Berkeley Notice) 03/05/2009 E9-4671 NIC
Washington Benton 45BN157 (US Department of Energy and UC Berkeley Notice) 03/05/2009 E9-4670 NIR
Washington Clallam, Washington WA-Clallum-NL (Newar New Dungess, North Pacific Coast) 7/9/2003 03-17270 NIC
Washington Klickitat WA-Klickitat-NL-3, WA-Klickitat-NL-4, WA-Klickitat-NL-5 7/9/2003 03-17272 NIC
Washington Klickitat 5KL242 10/8/2003 03-25540 NIC